Tuesday 16 December 2008

Friday 24 October 2008


Btec National Diploma In Media (Film and TV)


PROGRAMME TITLE: Master and Apprentice


DURATION: max 5 mins


AUDIO: ex digetic


The out line of the audience is any one who enjoys martial arts and martial arts choreographing.


Master and apprentice sparing in the woods master trying to teach the apprentice discipline by fighting each other to control other emotions. Showing how to control anger and fighting is very similar as usually when you fight you are angry at something or some one

Master: Craig Kenyon
Apprentice: Charlie Smith

Monday 6 October 2008

ex media

Discuss both past and current artists and works(200 words)Discuss the artists you have looked at comparing general similarities and differences between them. Not your own opinions!

In telling lies they story has beginning middle then an end but the visual effects are different. In telling lies the beginning is a man waking up from the night before then receiving a phone call. The middle he has received a few more phone calls and you gradually build up an idea of what happened the night before. In the end his mother calls up and he tries to explain what happened.
In john smiths girl chewing gum it is a lot older and is all in black and white. This short film has a beginning, middle and end. In the beginning it starts with a truck driving out of the view of the camera. In the middle you see the girl chewing the gum walk past the camera then out of shot again. In the end you are in a field and you can still hear the sound of the alarm and it gives of the idea that he has control and can do any think he wants.

The use of technology and techniques and styles (100 Words)How does the use of technology differ think about when they where made was the technology new then.

The short film Doll Face is a computer generated film and is recent compared to girl chewing gum. The use of the computer generated images in doll face is very well done as there is a face coming out of a box and then the head turns to the TV. The head then tries to look like the person on the TV, but the TV moves back then the head eventually pulls itself of the arm then dies. In the girl chewing gum the effects are all real as they did not have the technology to have computer generated images and the budget of the film is allot less than doll face. the budgets for these films were very simular. the difference in the two films are that they are made decades apart. the effects are very different as in doll face it is all computor generated and girl chewing gum is live action.

3. Narrative and non-narrative structures (100 Words)Discuss the story line is it simple structure Begin, middle, end or is there a more complex or different structuring happening?

in doll face the structure of the story starts with the face coming out of the box, this is the beginning of the story. In the middle of the story the face is trying to look like some one from the TV screen, this makes you think people try to look like people from the TV. In the end the TV pulls away from the face but the face wants more and tries to keep up with the TV but it pulls its self apart and then dies, this could give the idea that it isn’t real. In 1001 nights they are talking about different wars and when they are talking they put in details such as explosions but when they talk about the wars they are all different. In this short film it doesn’t really have a beginning, middle and an end. Instead of that structure it has lots of beginnings, middles and ends as it has a few people sitting the talking about different things and within those stories they all have beginnings, middles and ends.

4. The use of exhibition space to create meaning (100 Words)How does the exhibition space change the meaning of the work. To be done later next week.

List the work title next to the artists name
Susan Hiller: PSI Girls
Jonas Mekas: States of Flux
Dan Graham: Two Correlated Rotations
Pawel Kwiek: Video A and Video P
Dominique Gonzalez: Felix TH 2058

Give a brief description of each work
1. alot of films being shown but insted if the actual colour they are all in the same colour on one screen it was yellow and another red, and the film clips being shown were from the craft, matilda and the terminator.

2. there were lots of flashing images which then made the images in to a good experimental peice

3. two people filming each other and running around in circles

4. a man was drawing some things and then it went into a film

5. there were many bunk beds and was set in the future and the bunk beds had books on them it gave a sence of boredom as they were stuck in a bunker.

List all the denotations from the installation, for example list everything that makes up the entire video piece i.e. screens, projectors, blackened room.
1. there were 5 video projectors in a black room and the screens were in different colours

2.very dark room with a screen in front of you and the seats in front of the screen it felt lik a cinema

3. black room with the screen in front of you and the film was in black and white

4. black room with the screen in front of you and the film was in black and white

5. was a very big piece and there were beds all over the place and the screen was in front of you and was in colour

Choose two works and describe how the video installation either changed, enhanced or detracted from your understanding of the video work

TH 2058 was good as the understanding of the peice was resonably easy as it gave you the sence that you were actually there as there were beds around and radios playing music were as psi girls it showed you girls who could do magic and there wasnt really any sound or atmosphere

5. How these works might inspire your own work (100 Words)Talk about your own ideas and how they may have been inspired by the work that you have seen.

These works may inspire my own work as in doll face I enjoyed watching it and it gave me a few ideas what to for my own work as doll face has everything in the film and it is only 4mins long. It has life and then it dies but shows you what happens during the lifetime of the doll. The kind of film I would enjoy creating would be something to do with kung fu. when creating the film it would be good to use effects like slow motion when some one is goin to throw a punch or a kick at another person. and there is things like puting the picture in the negative or in black and white.

6. Audience, and audience interpretation of the work (200 Words)Was the reaction different within the group? does this matter? is it important that we all have one interpretation?

The reaction in the short films were all very similar but different as in 1001 nights all it had was people telling stories about different wars so you have to use your imagination to get a picture of what was happening. A lot of the time it seemed a little mono-tone so you really have to think about it to get a picture of what is happening. In doll face you didn’t really have to think about it to much as it explained it all the way through and there was a picture to get an idea of what is going on.

Monday 29 September 2008

experimental video


The way robin did the video was good becuase it was like he was lost in a dream and was trying to get to the light and could not get to it as he kept landing in the same place. the light moved as well then he gave up and then sat there curled up then the veiw changed to being in a park against a tree as if he has got out of the dream and is now safe. the sound track does fit the imagry and i think it is non diegestic. the music was very dramatic as it made you feel very insecure about your seroundings. this video i think was conceptiol


simon elise created this film and it is 4.09 mins long. it has a few people talking on the phone but has a black backround and when one person talks words apear on the screen but some of them are different to what they are saying and the words represent what realy happend and all of them are telling lies. this is about a man sleeping with a woman the night before as he had a row with his girlfreind and left the club with another woman and then his best mate goes home with his girlfreind and they talk on the phone about it and his mate tells him that he didnt but the words on the screen say that he is going to go and see her later tonight.


in this video they are concentrating on talking about wars and what happens but it doesnt show you any thing to do with wars so you have to use your emgaination and try and picture it as there is only a few people sitting down facing you giving an acount on what has happend and it has a black backround which makes the people stand out alot more. i think that it is very powerful as some of the words they use put pictures in your head and seem more power ful than they really are.

Name…Charlie Smith…….
Date…17th October 2008………
Film content review sheet

Name of film…Doll Face…………

Name of creator or films artist……Andy Huang…………………..

Duration 4.13 secs

Briefly give an overview of the types visual images used in this chosen piece. (B&W, colour, locations, actors etc.)

The visual images seen in this short film are all computer generated images so there are no actors in the film at all. The film is all in colour and the sound in the film is digetic.

Briefly give an overview of the types audio used in the video. (Is the Audio Diegetic or Non Diegetic , does the soundtrack fit the imagery?)

In this film the sound track does fit the imagery as it is a slow music track and sounds dramatic the sound is digetic.

What do you think the premise or controlling idea of this video is?

The video is about the life of something as it shows you the head coming out of the box then during the life of the box and what happens during the life then at the end of the film the doll dies because it stretches to far and breaks.

What thoughts are you left with after you have viewed this film?

The thoughts that you are left with in this film makes you wonder what the value of life is about because in the film the doll tries to copy some one else from the TV and makes you think every one does the same thing

Name…Charlie smith…….
Date…17th October 2008………
Film content review sheet

Name of film…Gisele kerozene…………

Name of creator or films artist…Jan kounen……………………..

Duration…5 mins……

Briefly give an overview of the types visual images used in this chosen piece. (B&W, colour, locations, actors etc.)

The images that you see in this film are single frame images but they are all in colour and the location is in a town area and the actors are dressed up in witches out fits with broom sticks.

Briefly give an overview of the types audio used in the video. (Is the Audio Diegetic or Non Diegetic , does the soundtrack fit the imagery?)

The sound in this film is non diegetic as it is added in after the film was made

What do you think the premise or controlling idea of this video is?

The idea of the video is a chase because someone stole something from the other three and they start to chase him around the town area to catch gets it back.

What thoughts are you left with after you have viewed this film?

the thoughts about this film is weird as it is a funny short film so it is very comical


craft is they way that the film was made this could be aplied in different ways and techneiques a example of craft is someone making somthing for the film and that is craft


concept means the idea behind the film and you can get craft and concept in one film depending on how it was made. concept is in theory modern art as it is already made and you have made it into somthing else.