Friday, 9 January 2009

diary of production

Diary of production

When I first came up with this idea I did not think that I would be able to pull it off how I would have liked it. The filming was very rushed and I did not really like it. When I was editing the video I accidentally put a still image in thinking it was a moving one but when I watched it, it worked so I then went through the film and then added the images were I thought It would make the most sense and I found that it made the video a lot more interesting as it kind of told a story. When you see me running towards the door the first time we shot that bit I ran too fast and went into the door and it looked quite funny but I couldn’t use that bit as I did try but I could cut it properly and it didn’t look right.


EVALUATION The video for my experimental piece I thought was good but there were a few things that I disliked about the camera work which I want to make better. The effects I thought went well and flowed with what I wanted to create. The video itself was about a person who was stuck in the twilight and wanted forgiveness from god but he wouldn’t forgive him but in the end he does forgive him lets him find peace. The area that I wanted to show my film first was at the church but I could not get the permission so I used one of the classrooms and made it darker and opened the windows to make it a lot colder which from the feedback on the questionnaire seemed to have give the right effect of being alone and seeing it through the characters eyes. If I had the chance I would have added a few more shots as overall I think it was a little bit rushed and I wasn’t happy with some of the shots but I did not have the time to retake them but I think I used the shots that I had very well. I think that every body enjoyed the video and after they had watched it they looked very confused. During the editing of the film i used some of the still photographs and it was accidental to put them in as I thought they were moving images at first but then when I watched it, it made the film more interesting and you could understand it a little bit more. The strengths I think that I had during the video I think was mainly the editing as I took a lot more time on the video and played about with it a little bit but the thing I want to improve on is the camera work as it wasn’t very good but some of the shots I think was very good but then some were very bad as well. When I had planned the video I had an idea for doing a martial arts video at first but that would have been to complicated and would have taken a long time to produce but in the end I had settled with this idea as it was simple and seem to work. Some of the shots did no come out as planned but when I watched the full video it seemed to come together and look ok. The things that I would do differently next time are things like taking a lot more time on the filming side so then it means that I can then have more shots to choose from, this would mean I would be able to play around with the video a lot more and maybe make it a bit longer with a few more different types of shots in.